Thursday, 28 January 2010


My first session with the Multi - Qual group (can we get a better name for the guys maybe?) went OK, and they are a great bunch, but I need to think carefully about how we progress. The group is so diverse, and I think working with them will be a bit like herding cats, getting all of them to get the most out of the process will be tricky.

Beccy and I still want to go with the self - portrait idea, giving each of the boys the option to create their own work in any form they choose. We'll see where we get to.....

Friday, 22 January 2010

Making House

Sean and I spent a bit of time at no.23 yesterday, it was funny arriving with tea towels and bog roll, setting up house and trying to make it all cosy.
Sean donated some cool old chairs and a table and the kitchen is much more inviting now.
I know most of you won't have a lot of time for anything other than delivering your sessions but i just wanted to say, feel free to make it cosy and add a little personality with any bits and bats you'd like to bring long as you don't mind taking or giving them away at the end.

I'll attach some of the photos of Sean's session, if anyone has any other images they'd like me to add, either of the sessions or things that might inspire, just send them along.

see you soon


Some new arrivals at the House!

Friday, 15 January 2010

Well, the boys are liking monopoly more than they thought after playing it this afternoon!! They like the idea of making their own version and have lots of ideas for changes. I think the best version would be a totally different one that’s started with the monopoly game and evolved through them into something

They mentioned either taking a taxi or bus route for the afternoon and interviewing different passengers from around Nelson and taking photo’s!! Linking the different origins of the people of Nelson i.e. making food, designing clothes, finding music from different countries that represent the people of Nelson etc. This could be done for the showcase day / night? They also want to steal street signs from around town to physically make a Nelson Monopoly wall..!!

We’ve also done local research on businesses, transport, housing, history etc. so they have some thoughts to bring to the first session but we’ll see how it goes!!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Noise Festival link from Sean
Thought I'd better qualify that link to the noise site. Like the house it wasn't built to show's a shop...which I find makes it accessible,curious and inviting. Something perhaps the house can do?