Tuesday, 20 April 2010

1st and 20th April- Wallpaper

There was lots of energy today AND the girls weren`t cold!!

We used words, imagery that meant a sense of home and started to create an installation out of the wallpaper- the girls experimented weaving and sculpting the wallpaper.

30th March- Mandalas

We created mandalas with a view to them being lazer cut.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

the film

Thought the alley stood out as an image. The lads running towards you. The film running out.
Quality of the super 8 goes hand in hand with those worn streets.

the film

Saturday, 13 March 2010

The super 8 film finally arrived today!


Friday, 12 March 2010

11th March.pencil on the walls,the panels get more paint,faces get rearranged

Some of the lads started to create a map from memory.Drawing with pencil on the walls they began by the fron door with 23.Their directions took them to where they live...Any one coming to the house feel free to sketch in your own additions to the map..

Friday, 5 March 2010

Disguised as a terrace ,strong shadows and the painting process.

Full day next week so if we are clear about what we can achieve by the end of the day and the group are directed it going to be interesting.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

A bit like hard work

Is what today was like. It seems like they boys can move their mood, or indeed switch from one state of attentiveness to not at all, dependent on the sun, rain, shine, cold, wet dry.....

We have to make a firm structure with actual jobs attache next week, to make things happen...

Thursday, 25 February 2010

A community life

a community life
new experiences
a nosey old lady
new sounds
new sounds
a new path
a place on the hill
the shopkeeper
23 Belgrave Street
my teacher
a mental hyper thing called Sofia
a toilet
a new sight
a new breed of dog
my home
my room

I walked towards...

I walked towards the chipman, he asked if I wanted salt or vinegar.
I walked towards an old man who was walking his dog.
I walked towards a bunch of guys who was on their coffee break.
I walked towards a woman with blonde hair.
I walked towards a big lorry that said ASDA Price. 


Communities are always there for each other, amazing parties and good laughs. water fights and snowball fights. We come together to organize surprise parties. Together we can do what we want. Play football, go on trips and have BBQ's. We watch movies and have sleepovers. With only a quick look at this community you are welcomed with warmth and kindness.

The School Community

The school community is important because we have different group like form, classes and then there's goths, chavs, geeks and more. I guess teachers have their own groups like the English department, Maths and Science. But at the end of the day they're all teachers and all want the same thing. To teach us and to give us knowledge to become as successful as them.
so like the teachers the students want to learn. So we all go to school and we all pull together to make it a successful, happy community.


The house across the road a old woman lives. first she looked like a little scary but after that she looked calm. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. 
She had a dog, a cat. I guess they must be her life and they looked like it. She dressed ok and even though she looked scary who knows how she is feeling and what's happened. But she reminds me of a loving animal lady who cares so much for them which is good. 

My Community

My community is really good. Everyone knows each other and is quite nice. In the morning is dead and because people go to work and school and the eventually round about 4.30. It is really busy because everyone come home and come back from school and don't play quietly, they play so loud. Neighbours call in and out because they are really nice and share food with everyone a festival. Neighbours share stuff with each other. Nobody is nasty and are really caring. 

I walk towards...A Short Story

I walk towards a man who gave me a wave. He had a big house and an attic. All the pigeons standing on the slippery roof. It looks like he has a big plant inside his house. He had all the plants. even the man eating the plants waiting for him to eat his lunch. A fly ate it, munch munch, munch.


Organising get togethers
Making new friends
Meeting new people
Uniting different cultures
Needing to know people
Interesting people with different interests
Treat each other with respect
You can welcome new people

On the way to number 23...

Cars, cars everywhere
Nosey old people full of sarcasm
Bored, excited, dogs buying rolos for 55p?
Litter, poo on sarah's shoe
Drip damp, wet, rain, why?

Raining, neighbours walking, hair got wet listening to Iron Maiden
People talking, cars driving
Dog poop on walls
Tired, drousy, no central heating
Cold, wet, worried where to go, saw factories
People annoyed that the car battery had failed
Straightend hair turned curly

Splash, tired, mud, mud
Cold, cold, raining, wet
Cans, worried, chat, traffic
Dog, dog, white, big dog
Wet, phone, friends, houses, shops
Park, petrol station, railway track, school
People, cars, excited, friends, black cat

Running, walking, curly hair, twigs
Cars, doors open/close, houses, shops
people on the curly dressing up

what is good and bad about living in a community?

  • nice neighbours
  • new friends
  • communication
  • cake-baked
  • walking the dog
  • helping each other
  • favours
  • you are not alone
  • trips
  • noisy neighbours
  • violence
  • domestics
  • deaf old lady (sleep all day telly on all night!)
  • yelling at you
  • kicking footballs
  • knock and door run
  • "I can see you!"

A community is like...

...a cinema because you all get stuck together like in a cinema or you are all neighbours in a community and you are neighbours in a cinema because you sit next to one another 
...a friendship that is never broken
...a family
...an egg that's never been cracked
...a car battery...sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't!

I heard....

I heard "No, I'm going up first"
I heard "Ahh, I fell down the stairs"
I heard "ha ha ha"
I heard "Mum, Mum"

I heard food
I heard drip, drip
I heard the chair moving on the floor
I heard "I'm hungry"
I heard the kettle

I heard "All clean"
I heard flush, slam
I heard "la la la la" WOOOSH
I heard "Ohh, freezing water"
I heard "you've got 10 minutes"

I heard people playing PS3
I heard DIXIES
I heard crackle, crackle, crackle
I heard "let me play!"
I heard whispers

I heard private stuff
I heard solid fisherman pirate hat
I heard "Get to sleep NOW!"
I heard "Bang"
I heard loud horrible snoring

I heard people snoring loudly
I heard FLUSH
I heard people saying the toilets blocked
I heard "Open the door NOW!"
I heard "I want to go to the toilet now!"

I heard "Gimme that NOW!"
I heard CREAK
I heard "I like this place"
I heard SMASH
I heard "get out of the cupboard you stupid child!"

I heard GNR
I heard "Honey, I'm home"
I heard OUCH
I heard "It's freezing, brrrr"
I heard snoring secrets

I heard singing
I heard snoring
I heard Dixies
I heard crackle crackle
I heard FLUSH

I heard "DAD"
I heard BANG
I heard "hello, whose that?"

I heard children going to sleep
I heard "that's my lego!"
I heard mum and dad talking
I heard "Where are my pajama's..ahh!"

I heard "that's my bag"
I heard "Not the blue one"
I heard "what time are the children breaking up from school?"
I heard " I need to put my clothes in the wash"
I heard "Where are my books?"

Friday, 12 February 2010

Origami books

We carried on with the origami books..
I was hoping to finish them, but almost......! I want to photocopy the pages so each group member has a book to take home to remember the project and there will be one to hang in the house to show the groups` ideas around a sense of home.

Thursday, 11 February 2010